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Mission FAQs 

1.  What is the cost?

The cost will vary based on current airfare and the location of the mission. An estimate for the Philippine mission is ~$2500 per volunteer. This will cover airfare from LAX and room and board. Cost will be determined closer to the time of the trip depending on airfare and hotel costs. We suggest that you also bring a small amount of spending money (no more than $500). You can pay your tax deductible volunteer fee or deposit here


2.  What can I expect? 

Days will be very busy but we will create time for play. 


3.  What should I pack?

Do bring: clothes for warmer weather, power adapters, bathing suit

Don't bring: valuables


4.  Is there WiFi?

There is WiFi but service is spotty and only in the hotel rooms. Historically, video calling is difficult via the bandwidth. You may reach out to your cell phone carrier to see if you have service available via your provider. 


5.  How do we get around the country?

Arrangements for travel within the country are made in advance of each trip. This can include, small aircraft, bus, jeepney and boat.  


6.  What if I don't like being there?

It is common to experience some culture shock on arrival and some reverse culture shock upon returning. We encourage you to reach out to your trip leader and fellow volunteers. This typically passes in a few days. Remember you will be doing the best work of your life in a beautiful country, with a great team and the most gracious hosts anyone could ask for.  


7.  How do you handle the jet lag?

Stay busy! Get outside in the sunshine. Try to get on the new time schedule as soon as possible.


8.  Where else do you go?

We travel to the Philippines annually. We also try to take a trip to somewhere in South America once a year. We continue to review additional opportunities.

We'd love to talk to you about joining us on a mission

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